Our Purpose
The purpose of this society is to provide education and guidance in genealogical research, to stimulate and encourage an interest in genealogy and family history, and to promote the collection and preservation of records of historical and/or genealogical value.

Operating Year: September 2024 - August 2025

Board of Directors
President: Teresa Shane
VP Membership: Sinda Dux
VP Programs: Marcia Stewart
Secretary: Eva Bachman
Treasurer: Tom F Ryan
Information Technology: Al Harlow
Director: Becky Martin
Newsletter: Susan Dunn
President: Teresa Shane
Vice President for Membership: Sinda Dux
Vice President for Programs/Ed: Marcia Stewart
Secretary: Eva Bachman
Treasurer: Tom F Ryan
Committee Chairs
Audit: Steve Shanahan
Awards: Vacant
Bylaws: Vacant
Library: Cindy Cochran
Membership: Sinda Dux
Newsletter: Susan Dunn
Nomination: Vacant
Programs/Education: Marcia Stewart
Projects: Judi Cook
Publicity: Corinne Jacox
Web Site: Nancy J Eckles